Bohemian Rhapsody Flashmob Takes Over A Mall With A Twist From Security

via @Hints Zoltán | YouTube

Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen song that came out on the album A Night At The Opera in 1975, the same one that we know by heart and that we sing loudly has become all A work of art.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” was born, a 5:55 minute rock mini-opera that became one of the key songs of the 20th century.

Mercury had been dead for more than 25 years, but by the time the song came out – and the album it was a part of, A Night at the Opera – the piece’s brutal success made this posthumous fame unnecessary. The single came out on October 31, 1975; It was the first number-one song the band achieved in the United States, and in the United Kingdom it remained at the top for nine consecutive weeks.

The song has six parts. An introduction that begins a cappella, a balladic section that continues the piano from the previous part, a guitar solo, an opera part, a very rocky fragment and the final coda. Rock, ballad, heavy, opera, pop, progressive rock, complex vocal harmonies, a great riff, effects almost impossible for the technology of the time.

And in the video below, a group of musicians takes over a mall with a twist from security, a flashmob performance of Bohemian Rhapsody.

A multi-layered sound experience is guaranteed, where everyone, from classical music lovers to rock fans, will get their time’s worth.

Keep going for the video below: