See The Accuracy Of The Live Aid Show In Bohemian Rhapsody Movie

Juan Dela Cruz /Youtube

Freddie Mercury is one of the most important musicians of the 20th century and Queen is an emblematic group that has earned its fame.

It is not difficult to understand that the world of cinema has been interested in his history, being in 2010 when ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was launched, a film that was to star Sacha Baron Cohen, but the actor left the project because he wanted a more adult approach while that the rest of the band preferred something more suitable for all audiences.

The signings of Bryan Singer to direct it and Rami Malek to star in it gave the final push to a film that hit the cinemas. Among the positive highlights that the actor resurrects Mercury and that his last minutes work very well, but in the rest, it is somewhat superficial.

It is a film at the service of the figure of Mercury, without a doubt. But even if situations are softened and the issue of AIDS is shown without the stigma that it actually entailed, the truth is that it is interesting to see the beginnings of a group that became a mass phenomenon. We have really enjoyed watching him, “singing” each song, getting really excited about the final scenes of the Live Aid concert. And although Malek physically is not a perfect double of Freddie, it is undoubted that he has managed to capture the essence of the character in the look, the gestures, and antics.

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