Ex-Ghost Guitarist Quit Band Because Of “Something Horrible”

via goetiamedia/YouTube

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In a recent interview with Spain’s GoetiaMedia, Ex-Ghost guitarist Martin Persner opened up about his departure from the band. He was a huge part of the group and their sound which is why many fans were brokenhearted when he left back in 2016. But don’t expect the details because he only mentioned that “something horrible happened” which propelled him to quit.

When he was asked about his relationship with his former bandmates, he answered:

“I don’t wanna talk about that. I’m sorry. Of course, everyone wonders… basically, it’s a group of five or six very, very good friends, and something horrible happened.

“It feels like talking about the divorce of your wife … it’s so horrible, so I’d rather not talk about anything about that in terms of how we feel about each other and stuff, because it’s too personal.”

He’s a real class act through and through – something absolutely rare these days.


Back in March 2017, Pesner released a video revealing that he has played as Ghost guitarist from 2009-2016 under the name Omega.

In the interview below, he also shared the differences in writing for Ghost and his current band Magna Carta Cartel.

“I wrote some songs [for GHOST], but mostly it was [Tobias’s] own songs, and I would come along, maybe, and say, ‘Oh, it should be like…’, and we would fight — as always [happens with] two creative [individuals]. But obviously, I didn’t have the same output in GHOST as I had in MCC. So I wrote lots of stuff for MCC, and sometimes I wrote something like, ‘Hey, Tobias, what do you think about this for this?’ And I’d written songs for GHOST that we didn’t use as well that I have on my computer here, that I’m thinking now, ‘Should we do them with MCC?’ But they sound too much like… It would be obvious what [they were written] for.” – Martin Persner

MCC, by the way, isn’t a NEW band because they were formed years back but were on hiatus because the members were touring with GHOST.