Incredible Video Shows Rock Legends Sing Their Hits 20 Years Apart

via Exedran Comps / Youtube

These legends are singing live in the video below, without effects, without auto-tune – just pure talent.

You haven’t heard your favorite song for a long time. Without expecting it, they play it on the radio, and instantly your skin bristles and you can’t help but show your best smile. Who does not feel identified? Music has a great role in our physical and psychological well-being – the incredible video shows music legends sing their hits 20 years apart, they are like fine wine better with age.

The fact that these legends singing their songs throughout half of their lives makes people feel much more joyful and happy.

Mick Jagger did it so well, Debbie Harry handled it great at 72, Olivia Newton at 68 never changed a bit wow, Cyndi Lauper still rocked it at 67 same pitch, Dave Bickler made it at a lower chord but still awesome, Madonna energetic at 57, Steven Tyler at 69 is incredible, Celine Dion 51 hardly made it.

Keep going for the video below: