This Will Make You Tear Up
A few seconds into the song, we knew this was gonna be good.
We’ve seen several cover versions of “I Will Always Love You” and most of them are pretty amazing but so far, this one takes the cake. There’s something magical and otherworldly about Kelly Clarkson and her team’s rendition of this classic. It’s nothing like we’ve ever heard before.
“How am I gonna make him understand how much I appreciate everything, but that I have to go? So I went home and I thought, ‘Well, what do you do best? You write songs.’ So I sat down and I wrote this song.” – Dolly Parton on writing “I Will Always Love You”
Along with Chevel Shepherd, Kymberli Joye, Lynnea Moore, and Sarah Grace, Kelly took the stage and floored the audience. Watching this video gave us goosebumps, imagine what the crowd felt who witnessed this epic performance live. It’s a timeless piece of music and it was a huge hit for both Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston. And these ladies from The Voice breathed new life into it.

“They started out with it a cappella, and I thought, ‘That sounds familiar.… And it didn’t hit me. It was just one of those things where [you think], ‘What is that?’ And then all the sudden, when she started singing ‘I will always love you,’ I just about wrecked the car.” – Dolly Parton on hearing Whitney Houston’s version
Every single one of them added their own flair and flavor to the song. It’s absolutely breath-taking and awe-inspiring. Each of them definitely brought something new to the table – it’s flawless, powerful and done with so much finesse too. Kelly easily stood out but they all had their moments and we’re living for it.
This is female power at its absolute best.