Ringo’s Not Really In The Beatles

UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 15: Beatle Ringo Starr, b.1940. (Photo by Manchester Daily Express/SSPL/Getty Images)

True Or Not, I Think Someone’s Just Trying To Promote Something Here

The most plausible theory is that The Beatles had four drummers, and Ringo was never one of them. Ever heard of the name Bernard “Pretty” Purdie? — Bernard was a session drummer who has confused few of his thousands of recording he participated in by claiming that he played drums on some of the early Beatles recordings in 1978. He claimed that he was the actual drummer on twenty-one of the Beatles’ tracks.

Purdie said,

 “I overdubbed the drumming on 21 tracks of the first three Beatle albums. They paid me a lot of money to keep my mouth shut, but it’s been ten years, so f– it. I guess I can talk about it.”

This claim sounds so very impossible that no one ever disputed about it. Of course, the man was a legend behind the kit, but believing in yourself that you actually played on some of the Beatles’ track when you actually don’t sound like a load of b—s–t. Why not just claim that you wrote the Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony? — People might have believed you.

Though despite the claim being atrocious, it’s still fascinating because he managed to flourished it and did continue with it. All of his claims were just like the ones people believed such as Lennon saying  Ringo wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles — he didn’t actually say this claim but someone did, — a British comedian did after Lennon’s death and Paul McCartney being dead in November 1966, they just won’t go away.

All I can assume is, people who claim that Ringo was a terrible drummer will also believe that he was never a member of the Beatle but Bernard Purdie was.

“There are four drummers on the Beatles records. Ringo’s not one of them.” – Bernard Purdie