Who’s Got Spirit?
Technology has taken over the entire world! As for the U.S., so has the polar vortex– approximately 75% of the States are under freeze warnings… if not already completely frozen. So, school superintendents are finding new ways to warm up student’s spirits during these heinously cold temperatures. Their approach? Connecting technology with music!
Most schools in the midwest are closing down during the polar vortex. The Swartz Creek Community School District is one of the educational establishments affected by the freezing temperatures. Usually, students and their caretakers would check into the radio, TV, or school websites to check shutdown statuses. Their school leaders just put a smile on everybody’s face who checked in for updates!
Rhyme And Reason
A “School Is Closed,” announcement ranks among the most beautiful things you can hear as a student. Superintendent Ben Mainka and Principal Jim Kitchen just made everyone’s day even more beautiful! Their announcement came on January 21, 2019 in the complete flurry of frozen snow that has continued to blanket the state of Michigan.
“I heard about a winter storm / it’s cold and dreary / stay home / stay warm / it’s a cold and it’s a snowy winter morning / it goes like this when the snow hits / the buses can’t get out of it / it’s cold and it’s a snowy winter morning,” ad- libs superintendent Ben Mainka before Principal Kitchen chymes in.
I hope these students know how lucky they are to have adults in their life that not only care about their education but also have a deep understanding on how heavily they influence and impact their “Swartz Creek Dragons!”

Watch the touching and hilarious announcement below —->