The Newest Batman Trailer Comes To Life With Nirvana’s “Somthing In The Way”

via @Samuel Kim Music | YouTube

Trauma, darkness, crime, violence, and revenge. These are the essential ingredients of ‘The Batman’, which has presented its first trailer as part of the DC Fandom. Matt Reeves directs the new film adaptation of the legendary DC character, played in this case by Robert Pattinson, who takes his first steps as the crusader in the cape in Gotham City.

The teaser trailer, about two minutes long, starts with the shocking image of a hooded man, presumably Enigma (Riddler), the villain played by Paul Dano, manipulating the corpse of one of his victims with which he leaves a message “for the batman “: “No more lies”.

While Nirvana’s song ‘Something In The Way’, the latest cut from his essential album ‘Nevermind’, plays Detective Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) tells Batman, who in his suit has appeared at the crime scene, ” you have a secret friend. ” Later the preview shows Bruce Wayne at a funeral in which one of Enigma’s “little gifts” breaks in again. “You have become quite a celebrity,” says Alfred (Andy Serkis). The macabre game of Enigma has begun.

The trailer also contains images of Batman confronting Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz), some criminals who are used with brutal fury showing the hatred that the young dark knight holds inside and even with some Gotham agents who do not see good eyes the figure of the masked vigilante.

The preview also includes a first look at Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin, played by Colin Farrell who, after seeing him in action, defines the vigilante as a true “madman”.

‘The Batman’ is written by Matt Reeves and Peter Craig and will be, in the words of its director, “a detective film in which a first-time Batman follows the trail of a series of murders that uncover the corruption of Gotham and are connected to the Wayne family. ” The premiere of the film starring Robert Pattinson is scheduled for October 2021.

Watch the trailer below and listen to Nirvana’s “Something In The Way” while you’re at it