These Kids Need A Record Deal… ASAP!
WJM is a three piece band consisting of 10 year old Max on drums, 10 year old Jeremy on guitar, and 9 year old William on vocals. They band together to pay homage to our troops in this performance. It is always heart warming to see children come together not only to play rock music, but to also pay homage to our troops!
What you’re about to watch is these three little rock stars come together and perform Guns N’ Roses’ take on “Knocking On Heaven’s Door” to pay tribute to the troops at their local gathering, and the result is absolutely incredible!

What makes this video awesome is the fact that these kids are so young and can barley even hold their instruments, yet they play their instruments like they’ve been playing for 30 years.

The singing is powerful, the drumming is refined, and the guitar is face melting, to say the least! If you’re a parent and you watch this, it might just bring a tear to your eye! These performances are the kinds that give us faith in the future of rock and roll. These kids will surly go on to be some of the greatest musicians of all time! Don’t believe us? You be the judge!