This Army Staff Sergeant Showed Everyone How The National Anthem SHOULD Be Played

Matt2fatty Hart / YouTube

This, Ladies & Gentlemen, Is How It’s Done…

Here’s a question. What’s just as cool as seeing the National Anthem sung by an amazing singer? I’ll tel you. It’s seeing the National Anthem being performed by an equally amazing guitarist. The National Anthem being shredded on the electric guitar certainly isn’t the most traditional of ways to perform the song, but it’s one of the absolute coolest.

With a soaring melody that’ll make a grown man cry and a masterful guitar player cranking that amp dial all the way up to 10, a guitar performance of the National Anthem is now an American staple, and that’s what an U.S. Army member just proved!

Grant Halverson / Getty Images

The date was November 25th of 2018 when the Carolina Panthers squared off against the Seattle Seahawks. But if you ask me, neither team was the star of the show, not even close. The REAL star of the show was U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Matthew Hart who before the game took the stage to perform an emotionally charged rendition of the National Anthem on the electric guitar. As you’ll see, with just one guitar and patriotism at heart, he was able to bring the deafening roars of thousands of people to stunned silence.

It truly brings smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes when we see a member of our nation’s military have his dream come true. Sergeant Hart is a masterful guitar player, an inspiration, a man of exceptional talent, but above all else, an American hero. Watch his amazing performance of our National Anthem below, but have some tissues ready…